Sunday, April 10, 2011

makan makan dan makan lagi..

Eat. Everybody likes to eat. I like eating. Infact, I love eating. Sometimes, I consume more than i can imagine my stomach could take. hehehe.. and most of the time I eat coz I want to feel what it would be felt to have a chance to eat what I can eat.
So here are some foods that I usually crave for...;)

Roti Canai. Everybody's Favorite. I usually find it tempting during breakfast.

This is Sang Gupal..Sagu berinti kacang dal lenyek..kuah santan berhalba..lamanya tak makan..owwwhh...since this sweetheart is so hard to find, so I grab it whenever I found it.

OMG...bestnye..jemput jemput bawang! Best served hot.. of my favorite! Strawberry Royale..makes me drool over it wheneer I saw its ads on TV.

Collek..kicap+gula+secubit belacan+lada api..makan dgn jambu atau mempelam muda..fuhhh...kecur liur..


  1. OMG....tibe2 aku pn brase lapo jgop bl tgk jeput bwg tu...ohooo..tiada lnsung bhn asas tepung gndum yg d simpan..hanya bawang semata2..m'jadikah??...tntu tidak...huhuu...
    fr momc.. :)

  2. momc..momc..momc...bawang celup minyak pon sodaaap..hehehe
